Join chess prodigy Alexandra Botez as she conquers the poker table in PokerStars Mystery Cash Challenge. Witness the intriguing turn of events and Botez’s victorious journey to stack up the most chips. Don’t miss the drama unfold on PokerStars!


00 Fun Kickoff: Mystery Cash Challenge 

1:50 Alex’s Triumph: Dominates, leading chip 

3:00 Hand Breakdown: Analysis of hands.

4:20 Leaderboard Check: Mid-game chip.

9:50 Round 2 Winner: Tops round two.

11:45 Mystery Prize Thrill: Scores exciting reward.

15:35 Strategic Insights: Experts dissect key moves.

19:50 Playful vote for session’s “worst player.”

23:45 Cheeseburger Victory: Wins session’s