Experience the ultimate poker showdowns! Watch as Daniel Negreanu masterfully navigates a bluff from Nacho Barbero with his incredible quads, capturing every heart-pounding moment. Phil Hellmuth delivers a jaw-dropping full house against Ernest Wiggins’ pocket Kings, igniting intense drama on the felt. Join the action on PokerStars as Hellmuth’s strategic slow roll amplifies the excitement, leading to a significant win for Wiggins in this high-stakes poker battle.


00:42 : Daniel wins with quad Aces against Nacho.
04:02 : Bold call leads to a showdown.
07:02 : Straight is outsmarted flush draw and gutshot.
10:12 : Suited raise causes chaos; Tony G wins a massive pot.
14:05 : Ernest’s Kings face off Phil’s Nines, leading to epic slow roll drama.
18:22 : Negreanu’s Aces face a dark call, baffling Viffer until the reveal.
21:22 : Ace-Deuce gamble pays off against Greenstein’s Kings.

Catch these thrilling moments on PokerStars