Join the thrilling Spin & Go qualifier tournament on PokerStars! Witness intense poker hands with top players like Sam Chartier and Tony G. Don’t miss out, sign up today!


00:02 – Blinds increase to 8000-16000 with 2000 ante.
00:10 – Samuel raises to 41,000 with A7 offsuit.
00:20 – Luca Vivaldi goes all-in with 225,000.
01:30 – Flop reveals Jack-Jack-Five.
02:40 – Hillary bets 180,000, Rodriguez calls.
03:50 – Rodriguez’s raise legality questioned.
05:00 – Rodriguez raises to 360,000, Hillary matches.
08:10 – Rodriguez shows nines, Hillary shows Ace-Queen.
09:20 – Pinto calls with Ace-King high against Garrison.
10:40 – Tension as Pinto raises pot-sized against Garrison.
11:00 – Wins pot: Conclusion to the tournament