Join Dudeluck23 and his wife for high-stakes Blackjack fun at Venetian High Limit! Dive into the thrilling world of Blackjack with Dudeluck23’s clever dealer-incentivizing strategy and learn from dealer Dave’s expertise in craps. Celebrate a $2,600 win!


00 – DudeLuck23 promises early dealer incentives.
36 – Scores thrilling Blackjack win with 10 and Ace.
1:02 – Another exhilarating win with King and Queen.
2:16 – Tough luck as DudeLuck23 falls with 16.
3:22 – Victory strikes again with 9 and 7.
4:25 – Daring win with 10 and 5 combo.
5:00 – Discussion about dealer’s biggest Blackjack hand.
6:13 – Discovering Craps classes at the casino.
8:22 – Delving into wife’s fear of crowds.
10:14 – Luck strikes, earning thousands.
11:14 – Considering taking Craps lessons.
12:14 – Chatting about record-breaking Blackjack hands.
14:12 – Brainstorming personalized slot machine game.
17:50 – Counting $2,600 victory.