Watch as Vegas Matt Brings out two different slot machines, Dragon and Double Dragon, to see which one pays out more. They start by playing 30 rounds on Double Dragon while explaining how the game works. They discover that Double Dragon has bigger prizes but lower chances of winning. On the other hand, Dragon has smaller prizes but more chances of winning. After trying both machines, they discuss which one they prefer. They find that Double Dragon has the potential to pay out more with higher multipliers. However, they suggest that people should try both machines before deciding which one they like more.


00:00 : Introduction to Double Dragon slot game.

01:40 : Start spinning, discuss game mechanics.

07:40 : Explains bonus round, and discusses multipliers and water rings.

10:20 : Compares bonus features.

14:20 : Celebrates win, and considers Double Dragon’s superiority.

19:10 : Disappointed with small wins, questions original Dragon’s superiority.

22:20 : Weighs game’s pros and cons.

29:20 : Ends game session.