Get ready to witness an exciting poker tournament where players are competing for a big WPT title and a prize of $100,000. The tournament starts with Lon Washington, a former boxer turned poker player, having an advantage with the most chips, but he has to face a tough challenge from Sean Urban, who uses aggressive tactics like raising bets and going all-in to stay in the game. The game is full of exciting moments where players experience intense emotions, some winning big and some losing everything. Finally, the two remaining players go head-to-head in a final showdown to determine the ultimate winner of the tournament.



00:00 – WPT  with Lon Washington at the final table.

01:50 – Lon leads as the chip leader.

05:25 – Lon stages a thrilling comeback.

09:15 – Lon makes a bold move, calling a massive bet.

11:20 – Momentum shifts in a pivotal hand.

20:25 – Victory celebration.

22:10 – Expert analysis on win and final table dynamics.