Welcome to PokerStars’ European Poker Tour in Barcelona, featuring epic final table moments! In one hand, Datani triumphs with Ace-Five suited against Neves’s Kings-Queens. Another showdown sees Stricker bluffing with Queen-Ten suited, but Cipolla’s Six-Five suited seals victory. Witness the drama unfold with commentary by James Hardigan and Nick Walsh!


00:00 :- Intro to EPT Barcelona final table.

01:55 :- Big win with Ace-Five suited.

04:20 :- Strategy observations as chip stacks shift.

06:10 :- Doorenbos’s bold move backfires.

08:25 :- Analysis of dynamics and chip stacks.

10:40 :- Scores a crucial pot with Ace-high.

13:15 :- Stricker’s heroic two-pair call.

15:50 :- Discussion on bluffing strategies.

17:50 :- Failed bluff leads to win.

23:00 :- Concluding EPT Barcelona coverage.