Join Jason Boehlke (AKA Mr. Hand Pay) at Palms Casino, Las Vegas, playing Huff and More Puff slot machine. He explores the game mechanics, highlighting Major and Minor jackpot payouts. Within minutes, he scores three bonus rounds, netting $1,538 on a $45 bet.  Joined by Robin, they embark on a winning streak, scooping a staggering $166,000 in under 10 spins. Together, they amass over $182,000 in winnings, showcasing the game’s potential for big wins.


00:01 – Introducing Huff and More Puff game.
01:13 – Mr. Hand Pay starts with a $1000 bet.
07:22 – Notches win.
10:33 – Lands a $9,500 handpay.
15:13 – Hits jackpot.
20:31 – Consistently secures small wins.
27:15 – Lands big win.
28:47 – Totals three handpays.
30:12 – Decides to wrap up session.