Join us as Jason Boehlke (AKA Mr. Hand Pay) plays the exciting Dancing Drums slot at Hard Rock Casino Rockford. He’s hoping to win the Grand Jackpot of over $326,000, especially after someone recently won $48,000 on the same machine. During the game, Jason explains the various bets and bonuses involved in the game and spins the reels. He also talks about the unpredictability of the machine and hints at the opening of the new Hard Rock Casino Rockford around Labor Day 20, which is sure to be a thrilling experience. So, don’t miss out on the fun, and join us to witness the excitement!


00:10 – Mr. Hand Pay begins, eyeing the $326,000 Grand Jackpot.
02:30 – Spins, mentioning a recent $48,000 win and explaining bet amounts.
04:20 – Switches to another Dancing Drums machine with $10,000 free play.
10:10 – Almost hits the four-symbol jackpot, maintaining momentum.
18:20 – Strikes another jackpot
22:20 – Discuss strategies and optimal bet amounts.
24:20 – Another win adds to the excitement.
27:20 – Wraps up, reflecting on remarkable luck and bountiful winnings.