Watch as Papa and David are seen trying out a roulette strategy called Spideycents on CEG Dealer School. They both put in $1000 and aim to win $500. The strategy involves three steps: first they bet on double streets, then on dozens, and finally on a single number. If they win, they continue with the strategy; if not, they start over. There are variations to the strategy, such as betting on five numbers instead of dozens, which are called Roulette Tactics.


02:20 : Bet on five double streets.
02:38 : Win? Proceed to next step. Lose? Restart.
02:52 : Bet $50 on a single number.
02:58 : Win? Game over. Lose? Restart.
03:03 : Alternatively, bet $25 on two dozen.
10:22 : Start with $1000.
11:40 : Cash out if $500 ahead.
11:50 : Play only with winnings.