Join the ultimate showdown! Watch as Phil Ivey, hailed as the poker prodigy, battles Isaac Haxton and Mike McDonald’s for a $4 million prize. Marvel at Ivey’s strategic plays, including a daring fold against pocket aces and a triumphant call with a king-high straight draw. In an epic final hand, Cictory with a full house, proving his legendary status. Don’t miss the thrilling final table action on PokerStars!


00:52 – Doubles up with Ace-Queen

03:23 – Folds against pocket Aces.

07:00 – Wins with King-Queen.

09:23 – Wins with King-high.

12:13 – Wins with Ace-King.

14:02 – Gets a full house.

18:23 – Wins with Ace-Six suited.